1.1 The terms set out hereinshall form an integral part ofthe Company’s Terms ofUse. The User acknowledgesthat these terms of shippingand delivery charges arelimited to direct sale by theCompany. The User mustmake sure that the shippingaddress is complete, trueand accurate so as toensure that the Products aredelivered on time.
1.2 The Company providesshipping and delivery ofProducts all over Indiaexcept under Non-Serviceable Zone. TheCompany aims to providethe best user experience forUsers by tying-up andpartnering with leadinglogistics service providers tohandle User’s order in thebest possible way and toensure that Users have ahassle-free experience inreceiving the Product thatthey have ordered from theWebsite. The Companymakes all commerciallyreasonable endeavours toensure that the Products aredelivered to Users in a timelymanner.
2.1 By using the Websiteand/or initiating a requestfor purchase of Products onthe Website, User agrees tobe bound by the termscontained in this Policy. IfUser do not agree to theterms contained in thisPolicy, User is advised not totransact on the Website.Please note that, theCompany may from time totime change the terms ofthis Policy. Every time Userwishes to use the Website,please check this Policyalong with Terms andConditions to ensure thatUser understand the termsand conditions that apply atthat time.
3.1 The Products are shippedthe next day of receiving theorder on the Website exceptin case of public holidays..
3.3 The Company shallshare details about User’sorder pursuant to itsdispatch on the e-mail IDprovided by the User at thetime of the registration.
4.1 The Company providesfree shipping on all ordersacross India. The Companyshall not charge anyshipping or delivery chargesfrom the Users with regardto their orders.
5.1 The Company shall shipand deliver their Products allacross India except underNon- Serviceable Zone(NSZ).
6.1 The Company partnerswith third party logisticsservice providers (“LogisticsPartners”) in order toeffectuate Product shippingand delivery to the User.
6.2 The Company shallprovide the details of theLogistics Partner on User’sregistered email ID who willbe responsible forprocessing the shipping anddelivery of Product(s) at thetime such Product isprocessed and successfullyhanded over to the LogisticsPartner by the Company.
6.3 In the event the User isnot available to accept thedelivery of the Product,Logistics Partners will makea total of 5 attempts toreach out to the User on theregistered mobile number.In the event the LogisticsPartner is unable to deliverthe Product due to non-availability of the User after5 attempts, the Companyreserves the right to cancelthe order of the purchased
Products and the Productwill be sent back to itsoriginal source. Anintimation will be providedto the User by the Companyon the registered email idand phone number. It isclarified that refunds, if any,will be processed within 5-7 working days from the datethe Product reaches itsoriginal source via storecredit. In order to receive thesame Product, the User shallplace the fresh order.
6.4 In the event the Userrequires to reschedule thedelivery of the order, theUser may do so within 3-5from the estimated date ofdelivery. It is clarified thatthe user has only 3 attemptsto reschedule the order.
6.5 In case the User wishesto return the Product, theuser may do so inaccordance with the Return,Refund and CancellationPolicy.
7.1 The User accepts andacknowledges that thedelivery may be delayed onaccount of a Force MajeureEvent which includes but isnot limited to:
7.1.1 Circumstances orcauses beyond itsreasonable control
7.1.2 Logistics issues beyondcontrol;
7.1.3 Unsuitable weatherconditions;
7.1.4 Political disruptions,strikes, employee-lockouts,curfew, lockdown, acts ofterrorism, acts of anygovernment or authority,fire, explosion etc.
7.1.5 Acts of God such asfloods, fog, bad weather,earthquakes, pandemic,epidemic, etc.; and
7.1.6 Other unforeseeablecircumstances.
7.2 In such events of delay,the Company shall send anintimation to the User’sregistered email ID providedat the time of registration.
7.3 Further, the Companyshall be under no obligationto compensate User for anyclaim that may otherwisearise on account of delay inthe shipment or delivery oruse of the purchasedProducts.
8.1 The User shall receive a unique tracking identity number once the purchased Product is handed over to the Logistics Partner, which will enable the User in tracking the status of delivery of the purchased Products.
8.2 The User may use the tracking identity number onthe Website to check the status and location of the purchased Product and its estimated time of delivery.
8.3 The Company engages third party service providers to effectuate deliveries of the Products and hence, the Company do not guarantee exact accuracy or correctness of the trackings tatus and the status maybe subject to inconsistencies arising out of time-lags in updating the information and/ or other technical difficulties whichare not in control.